Leading the world into deceit Part-1
Raising curtain on 'secret and deceptive' operations in the past
“Deception is a state of mind
and the mind of the state”
James Jesus Angleton (Head of CIA Counter Intelligence 1954-74)
Note: A dot would mean any event/fact/information for the reader to connect with other dots (event/fact/information) and come to one's own understanding. A dot doesn't necessarily mean a number or a stat.
Late 1940’s, 50’s, 60’s : Multiple attempts to assassinate Late Cuban President-Fidel Castro. The US admitted to eight assassination attempts on Castro. In his own (Castro) words “If surviving assassinations were an Olympic event, I would win the gold medal.” What was the need to assassinate Fidel Castro? (dot)
Attempts have also been made to kill North Korean leader (recent) Kim Jong-un 1. Why did the President Gerald Ford signed in 1976 an executive order stating: “No employee of the United States government shall engage in, or conspire in, political assassination.”2?
U.S. Military Provoking war with Cuba3. Why disrupt a country political and militarily when it was doing well for itself?
November 22, 1963: Assassination of President John F. Kennedy in Dallas, Tex., How many shots? How many murderers?
Declassified CIA documents show that U.S. intelligence services were creating programmed assassins back as early as the 1950s. Is there something called Psychological Warfare Operations?
April 4, 1968: Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tennessee: Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. The Family member of Martin Luther King Jr. are unanimous on one key point: James Earl Ray did not kill Martin Luther King. Then who did and why?
October, 1970: CIA supported a kidnapping attempt of Chile's army chief in October 1970, as part of a plot to prevent the congressional confirmation of Allende as president. The kidnapping attempt failed, and Gen. Rene Schneider was shot and killed. The CIA later paid $35,000 to the kidnappers in what it termed "humanitarian" assistance.4
July 31, 1981: near Penonomé, Panama: Brig. Gen. Omar Torrijos Herrera, Panama's strongman, was killed in the crash of a Panamanian Air Force plane in bad weather?
August, 1998: C-130 Helicopter crash killing Pakistan President - Zia-Ul-Haq. Possible reasons: Nerve gas was sprayed in the cockpit of the C-130 to immobilize the pilots? Explosives were planted in the mango crates? Aircraft was targeted by projectile (a suspicious truck was seen moving away from the airport after the helicopter took off)? Was the American Ambassador sacrificed?
August 7, 1998: United States embassy bombings: More than 200 people were killed in nearly simultaneous truck bomb explosions in two East African cities, one at the United States Embassy in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, the other at the United States Embassy in Nairobi, Kenya (dot)
September 11, 2001: United States: Airline/hijack/suicide mission: New York City, New York, U.S, Arlington, Virginia, U.S, Stonycreek Township, Pennsylvania, U.S. 2996 deaths. (dots)
July 17, 2003, Oxfordshire, England: Dr David Kelly-Controversial death: Who was Dr Kelly? David Christopher Kelly was a Welsh scientist and authority on biological warfare. What did he do to be killed? He was the source of a BBC report casting doubt on Iraq’s weapon of mass destruction (WMD)5.
Why did Lord Hutton, who chaired the inquiry into Dr Kelly's death, ruled that medical records including the post-mortem report will remain classified until after all those with a direct interest in the case are dead?
February 2011 onwards: Libya was a member of human rights council and the security council. In February 2011, some 70 NGOs approached the US, EU and the UN with an appeal to stop ‘atrocities in Libya’6 and to suspend Libya from the Human Rights Council and from the Security Council. The security council was also urged to invoke 'Responsibility to protect' known also as R2P principle. R2P embodies a commitment to protect human rights, worst form of violence and persecution, genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing etc., and so therefore, each individual state has its responsibility to proptect its people. Great. So, what happens when the ruler of the state is involved in crime against its own people? Well, you insert the following in para 139 of the R2P principle:
The international community, through the United Nations, also has the responsibility to use appropriate diplomatic, humanitarian and other peaceful means, in accordance with Chapters VI and VIII of the Charter, to help protect populations from genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity7
So, the problem now is, how do we prove that the atrocities are actually being perpetrated in a country? Just by issuing a joint letter? Or by making a document public with evidence? Just that the 77 page public document is actually redacted!
What follows? NATO bombing on Libyan population. This is what the para 139 above reads, ‘peaceful’ means i.e. bombing the very ‘victims’ and damaging homes, hospitals, schools killing thousands of civilians (many women and children included). The Libyan population killed by NATO now ‘rest in peace’.
More on Libya, in a sepetare article.
January 2, 2020: Tonghou Creek in the nation's mountainous Wulai District, Taiwan. Black Hawk helicopter crash killing Taiwanese military leader, Chief of General Staff ,Gen Shen Ye Ming. The French Aerospace company, THALES, issued a booklet on cyber attack on aircraft security system-Possible China angle? or the usual ‘bad weather’ intervention?
December 8, 2021: Bandishola, Nilgiris district, Tamil Nadu, India: the Russian-made Mi-17V5 military helicopter killed Chief of Defence Staff Gen Bipin Rawat, his wife and 11 others. In 2017, seven military personnel were killed in a Mi-17V5 crash in the north-eastern state of Arunachal Pradesh. The helicopter was on a training sortie. bad weather?
July 8th, 2022: Kashihara, Nara, Japan, Shinzo Abe, Ex-Prime Minister of Japan assassinated in broad day light with ease. (dot)
The great country, United States of America (USA) have had close to 800 military bases (dot) in 2020 outside U.S. They have military presence (direct and indirect) in close to 80 countries (dot), this includes U.S. colonies. The U.S. has invaded and gone to war with, to start with their neighbours - Mexico - 10 times, with Canada 11 times, with Panama 24 times, with Peru, Greece, Turkey, Iraq, Afghanistan, Haiti, Vietnam, Kenya, Yemen, Syria and the list goes on and touches almost 135 countries. Why? Have these been wars of choice? Wars of expansion? or to protect and advance economic interest or elites or business? And if it is for all these reason then at what cost? More than 2.7 million people have been sent to war by the U.S. ever since it invaded Afghanistan in 2001. Know this with a heavy heart, Bill Clinton’s economic sanctions and dropping of bombs on Iraq (dots) killed 5,67,000 children according to British Medical Societies Lancent (Later studies argue it was 3,50,000)8. "The price is worth it" says former U.S. Sec. of State Madeleine Albright in an interview to Leslie-Stahl: CBS 60 Minutes, May 12, 1996
There have been so many coup d'état across the globe (where a direct military action was avoided), do they have CIA (Central Intelligence Agency of the Federal Government of the U.S.) connection? Has this anything to do with ‘Operation Gladio’? (more about Gladio in a separate article) Has there been in the past, attempts made to create tension to promote reactionary, social and political tendencies in countries like Italy? Greece? Turkey? Cuba? Question- are our problems and challenges inherent to our country/nation or are they created, implanted, bought?
Invading Iraq-for what? with what proof? How was Saddam Hussein connected to 9/11 attack(s)? How is Project for New American Century (PNAC) drafted in 1997 linked to the invasion of Iraq? PNAC issued an open letter to Bush that commended his newly declared “war on terrorism” and urged him not only to target Osama bin Laden but also other supposed “perpetrators,” including Saddam Hussein 9
What would instigate conflicts and civil wars across countries and continents? What drives the ideology of a nation? Communism? Socialism? Capitalism? or any other ‘ism’. Should that be the case then the ‘battle of ideologies’ can be best ‘fought’ in the mind or with the mind, intellectually, over diplomacy, basically it can be resolved by non-military means, by not coup d'état. The U.S. Congress has officially authorised $1.3 trillion to fight the war on terror10 and where do you think this money comes from? From the one reading (if you are not a U.S. or Indian Politician) this article and the one writing (a normal Indian citizen and a tax payer) this article.
The world that we live in is layered. One above the other. Our understanding of the world is limited. We do not know how decisions are made, who makes it, what are the influences, where does these influences come from? We are made busy running our homes, taking care of our family and all this is made increasingly complicated. And yet we find that the first casualty of these decisions (economic, political, social, religious etc.,) and events (wars, terror strikes, civil wars) are us. We do not travel in bullet proof vehicles, we do not have armed men protecting us and our families, we do not live in barbed wire houses, the traffic does not come to a stand still when our vehicle passes by, our income does not go un accounted, we do not have accounts in foreign banks. We are ‘normal citizens’ looking to fulfil our desires and aspirations. We are a citizen of a country, the onus of running the country is on us, it is what we want that should matter. We are, therefore the Government is. However, the reality is just the other way round. The Government is therefore we are. And is there another layer above the Government by virtue of which the Government is? And still further up, is there another layer under which the whole world exist?
We will try to organise the dots and begin to connect to see if a larger picture appears and a more synthetic or an Integral world understanding is presented to us. We shall do this by understanding events and various political, covert and clandestine operations (dots) to make sense of what is happening with us now and what may follow in the future.
We will be exploring one event/operation in each of the subsequent part series of this newsletter as we raise curtain to understand what goes on ‘behind the curtain’.
The Nation “A hard look at Iraq Sanctions” November 15, 2001
“Cost of war Project” Brown.edu