Leading the world into deceit Part 2
Do things happen by themselves or made to happen? Is there a template?
Note: A dot would mean any event/fact/information for the reader to connect with other dots (event/fact/information) and come to one's own understanding. A dot doesn't necessarily mean a number or a stat.
"There's no way to rule innocent men. The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren't enough criminals, one "makes" them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws. Who wants a nation of law-abiding citizens? What's there in that for anyone? But just pass the kind of laws that can neither be observed nor enforced nor objectively interpreted - and you create a nation of law-breakers-and then you cash in on the guilt." (Ayn Rand, "Atlas Shrugged")
We have our roots in the past. What we are, in many ways is determined by what we have been. Event at time 1 (t1) is actually a quantum event (qe). One event leads to another, in other words, you cannot look at an event in isolation of past and other events, further still, many events constitute in the making of one big event. There is something called co-dependent arising (pratityasamutpada): i.e. there is no independent existence, nothing and none exists independently; all existence is interrelated and interdependent; everything is conditioned by everything else. Yes, an event does happen, big or small, no impact or greater impact, in one part of the world or the other. We have been a ‘reactionary civilisation’, reacting to these events with one motive alone, to survive another day. So our focus is to somehow manage, we are interested in the least to figure out why the event happened? Who made it happen? What is the purpose, the end goal? Is there a template in which we find ourselves arrested and yet at the same time being sublimely oblivious to its existence? Does the world appear to us the way it is (yatha bhutam darshanam) or are we made to know the world in a certain way? Who are we governed by? and who govern those who govern us? In this newsletter, we will see if there exist a template for world events and try to connect (dot).
Amongst those who question, go deep behind the events, they care to find out what is happening ‘behind the scene’. I would, with all the force at my disposal, insist that the primary purpose of education, has to be, to make our children ‘interested in life’, interested in knowing. Knowing about all that happens within and without us. The starting point could be what is happening in the world I am living in? Why does it happen in this way? Who makes it happen or What makes it happen. Our questions need not just be how to teach physics or mathematics, history, or economics, English or geography, our questions have now changed as our concerns have changed and to deny the occurrence of life changing events and circumstances and even more to keep them conveniently away from education-school-schooling is to permanently, severely, and tragically deny our young the expression of life and the fulfilment of life’s deeper purposes in them. As a result of this, we grow up as a confused and conforming adult concerned with earning money, having a family and dream of a not so difficult retirement and try to live as long as we can. This goes on generation after generation. Your basic ‘needs’ are now your ‘wants’, thanks to the ‘cultural disruption’, the world is now one, right? So how can the cultures be different? (dot). What we are witnessing is mingling of cultures, dilution of cultures and as result of that, we are being taken away from our roots. Consider asking why is this being done. (dot). Easy access to information and ‘anything’ at all-thanks to Internet of Things (IoTs), easy access to the via medium-thanks to technologies of everything (ToE). Technologies alone and the ability to create a global dashboard (because we can now all be ‘connected’) because of these technologies means that the future ahead will be ‘easy’ and ‘convenient’ and who doesn’t want an easy and convenient life, right? However, we have not learnt to figure out for ourselves, at what ‘cost’ (profit for many) does this convenience come our way? Because we have never been told to question because our school was concerned with only ‘answers’ because what all mattered was marks and grades and marks and grades means answers because these answers ultimately fetch us marks! Availability of everything at the tip of our finger (you would see that soon our fingers/thumb will be replaced by just the eyes-our screen will capture the movement of our eyes-convenient, no?) has made us profoundly vulnerable and has made us a sedated civilisation incapable of thinking about its own wellbeing and its own future. In such a situation, who or what will think for us? For our benefit, our longevity, our convenience? Some artificial stuff? (dot) Okay, so that is where we are, people individual, human beings and before we embrace ‘trans-humanism’. (dot)
Let us begin with what is near to us and then we will travel to the far that which is abstract and ‘unreal’ to us. Let us start with what makes ‘sense’ to us, the ‘tangibles’.
In Leading the world into deceit Part 1, I had randomly shared world events on a time scale begining W.W. I to the latest (there were many other events that had to be left out, however, I will bring those to your notice in my subsequent newsletters). Those events were just a trigger for us, a reminder or perhaps, for those of you who did not know what R2P (right to protect) means it was some information and an understanding. I am sure some of the events would have made you think and populate few more dots that you will be ultimately able to connect as we go through the forthcoming part series. In Leading the world into deceit Part 2, we will try to peel another layer of the world that we live in. We will try to see if a template does exist, what does it look like. Is R2P (right to protect) a template? Is there a master template in play?
Let us say, you have with you all the money that you ever wanted and multiplied by 100 times! Would you still want it more? Perhaps yes. Okay, let us say that you have with you insane monies, so much money that you now seek something else. Money does not give you enough power or control simply because you have that in ‘absolute abundance’. What else would you seek? Ask anyone who has insane money and they will say - absolute power, what kind of power? Ability to control the world! Ability to do what one wants to do on this planet. We have begun conquering other planets but that is a different story for another day. This seeking is something which is difficult to explain, however, that is where money and more money leads you to. So, let us assume to begin with that those who have made insane money are now on a different path and let us give an example: Bill Gates (we do not have to mention how much money he has, right?) Now people like him and above him (may be there exist a layer above Billy’s of the world) and for convenience sake, call them the Elite-cabal. Now this faction obviously has gone beyond money but are now seeking world domination, world control because that is what gives them the kick. And this group, has been relentlessly pursuing their agenda by sitting at the apex of banking industry and operating through Governments and the media. They have ruthlessly manipulated our socio-cultural and political landscape-this will become evident as I present before you tragic world events out of all which will appear, more concretely, a template.
The idea is world control, controlling and manupilating every living specie on this planet. I use the word manipulating in a specific sense of the term - eugenics. Do not completely go by the dictionary meaning of this term, just remove the ‘good’ and ‘improving’ aspects from the definitions. By the way, you may want to dig deep into Billy’s (world vaccine dealer) and his dad’s bio and their family tree if you can please (dot). So, satiating this kick for world control and domination, how is that going to happen? Let us say that you want to ‘control’, ‘manupilate’ a certain institution, group, society - how and what will you do? What will enable you to do this? Well, for you to be able to control me, you need to know ‘everything’ about me. You need to know the kind of money I have, my spending habits, you need to know my psychological profile, my mental, physical, emotional habits and patterns, you need to know at what rate does my heart beat, the kind of sugar levels I have, the quality of my urine1, the content of my blood, my likes, preferences et cetera, et cetera. Once you collect all this to a global computer, you can populate a global dashboard! And wait a minute, it will be too complicated if I (as a controller) want to cover all the people across all the countries and colonies (yes they do exist in the twenty first century!). So, what is the way out? Bring about a single market place, a single world Government, a single world army (is NATO2 a first step towards this direction? Are you aware of what happened couple of months ago between ‘two countries’?) (dot), a single global currency. Apologies, forgot to ask, how on earth are we going to get connected to global computer? Any idea, suggestion(s)? (dot).
Do things happen by themselves or made to happen? Is there a template?
Wars, natural disasters, famine & droughts, plague & diseases. Are these natural phenomena? Climate change? Yes, climate is changing, what is making it change? (dot). Heard of ‘Cyberpolygon’? An international capacity building initiative aimed at raising the global cyber resilience. In many ways its a war game organised by World Economic Forum (the daddy here is Klaus Schwab the quickest person on the planet to exploit the COVID-19 outbreak as a rationale for the “Great Reset” agenda) allegedly designed to simulate a massive cyberattack that somehow disrupts the global supply chain. A Simulation just like Event2013 organized by a vaccine dealer (a medical Doctor, a virologist, is it?) (dot). So the problem(s) being simulated (of course-before they happen) ranges from a total supply chain shut down to spreading of a highly contagious 'animal spread disease’. Let us share some facts:
The Colonial Pipeline attack-May 2021: What about?
An American oil pipeline system that originates in Houston, Texas, and carries gasoline and jet fuel mainly to the Southeastern United States. It came under cyberattack and its IT Systems were disrupted. Had this ‘cyberattack’ continued and created disruption for another 6 to 7 days, it would have created a panic situation. No gasoline to fuel the freight trucks that transport the majority of goods and raw materials across the US would have resulted in a nightmare.
JBS Cyber attack: June 2021: What about?
JBS is the largest meat supplier in the world with more than 150 plants in 15 countries. The supply system disrupted, $11 billion paid in ransom.
The New York Metropolitan Transit Authority (MTA): - June 2021: What about?
A transit agency that carries millions of people in and around New York. MTA Computer system hacked-disruption
So here comes daddy Klaus Schwab again4, an opportunity in these ‘cyber attacks’ - did they not do a simulation? The World Economic Forum sees it like a ‘cyber pandemic’. They see everything like ‘plandemic’, ehhh, sorry, I meant ‘pandemic’.
Well, these are few amongst many ‘events’. I will be sharing much more on Wars… W.W.I, W.W.II, The Korean ‘War’, The Vietnam ‘War’, The Six days ‘War’, Gulf ‘War’ I, Gulf ‘War’ II (is this a movie sequel?), Gulf ‘War’ III in the making? After all lot of time goes in making a movie, you write a ‘script’, arrange the ‘script’ in an order, identify ‘actors’ (dot), firm up ‘shooting location’, ‘shoot’ at the location, ‘editing’ (dot) and then ‘release’, we ‘watch’ and then we ‘conclude’ and finally form an ‘opinion’. Oh my, how reel it can get? I mean how real! Wait a minute. The ‘movie’ should have a theme/agenda and then it has to be ‘funded’ so you need a producer(s) (dot) and then, those who will ‘direct’ (dot) this movie. Actors need not necessarily know about who the producer is or from where the funding (dot) is coming from, h-she wants to be paid appropriately, thats all that matters. So there you are, ‘problems’ all over, what do we do?
I would now like to bring to your attention two templates. One is a ‘master-template’ that is operational couple of centuries ago, yes, very old, very simple. And the other one is something that we will hunt through in the subsequent part series.
The master template: The Hegelian Principle
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, a German Philosophen 1770-1830 gave birth to The Hegelian principle or let us say, his thoughts came to be known as The Hegelian principle. Something that was penned four hundred years ago can still be validated. All that you will read in the subsequent parts would be just this-exposing the master template.
So what does The Hegelian Principle mean?
Step 1: Create a problem/ride on a problem that exist (dot)
Step 2: Instigate a reaction (dot)
Step 3: Offer a solution (dot)
You may also call this P-R-S (Problem-reaction-solution) principle.
There is one more thing that the elite-cabal knows and that is, interest and fear, unite people. Just look back last couple of years, December 2019 onwards, to be precise :-)
Check for subsequent parts to see how this P-R-S plays out.
NATO: The North Atlantic Treaty Organization: a military alliance of sorts between 30 countries. Is your country a part of this group? Yes, why? No, why not?
Event 201 was scheduled for October 2019 – two months later the exact pandemic scenario they simulated happened in real life
Klaus Schwab: Cyberattack Worse than COVID-19 Crisis - Power Grid Down, Banking Offline - search it on YouTube. Please do not laugh or get scared!